Potatoes - Lots of them!

Provenance potatoes work hard to keep supply to our local retailers...

Provenance Potatoes
Provenance Potatoes

Last week we packed almost three times the quantity of bags we normally grade in a week making it the busiest seven days I have experienced since we started trading in 2012.

Customers were telling me it was ‘like the old days’! The phone started at 5am most mornings and we packed through the day to get potatoes out to the wholesale markets, local wholesalers and shops. Everybody worked so hard, from our graders, hauliers and farmers to keep the Kent people fed with this local staple especially when rice and pasta started to become scarce.

Many of our potatoes are destined for veg boxes for those who are isolating or trying to stay away from the shops as much as possible. Our orders for COOK increased dramatically as they saw their home delivery orders surge.To add to the flurry of activity we also started ground work in anticipation of planting next season’s crop. Planting finally started today at Hatfeild farms after all the poor weather we have experienced.

Let’s hope the sun continues to shine.
